Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easy Wart Removal!

        So, you have a wart... and you have no idea how to get rid of it. Your friends may even be scared to touch you because your warts are contagious! Well, let's first look at what a wart is, and where it comes from. So, what are warts? Warts are small, hard, benign growths on the skin, caused by a virus. What are plantar warts? Plantar warts are warts occurring on the sole of the foot; "pressure causes plantar warts to develop a painful callus around the soft center." Common Warts are caused by a viral infection. They can be flat warts, seed warts, hand warts, warts on legs, mosaic warts, filiform warts, or plantar warts. What are Flat Warts? A flat wart, also known as Verruca plana, is a reddish-brown or flesh-colored, slightly raised, smooth wart, most often seen in children. These warts usually occur in great numbers.

       Now that you can somewhat characterize your wart, let's look at some of the home remedies for wart treatment and ridding yourself or others of their warts.

  • Freezing Warts (Liquid Nitrogen Warts) - Warts are fed by blood vessels. If you can damage and kill these blood vessels by freezing them, the wart will die. This can be very hard to do, because this technique involves Liquid Nitrogen. The Liquid Nitrogen makes this example a less home-easy remedy.
  • Wart Treatment With Duct Tape - Use a Q-tip to apply a coating of tea tree oil directly on the wart. Apply the duct tape over the wart, and press edges firmly to seal the wart from the outside air. Each day, remove the duct tape and inspect the wart. If there is loose material around the wart, lightly rub the are with an emery board. Repeat for up to 8 weeks.
       Well, that is about it for easy home remedies for wart removal. This is why we are writing a review for easy wart removal. The above treatments really aren't as easy as they are thought to be. Liquid nitrogen wart removal is a very difficult process, and involves going to the doctor in most cases. Duct tape wart removal creates a lot of annoyance when checking the wart every day; what if you have many warts? You don't really want to cover your body in duct tape (At least I wouldn't want to). With that said, this is where we provide you with the easiest, most accessible wart removal out there right now. 

        The program we are reviewing is called "Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal." This company provides an excellent book on how to effectively treat moles, warts, and skin tags from the comfort of your home. I myself have used this product, and can tell you from a consumer's perspective that their methods really do work!! To check out a book that can end your skin-defect-life, Click Here!

       In summary, you no longer have to cover up your flat warts, seed warts, hand warts, warts on legs, mosaic warts, filiform warts, or plantar warts. "Moles, Warts, & Skin Tags Removal" can cure your body of warts in the comfort of your own home! It really does work! Get back to being able to be around friends and family without having to hide your skin defects! Click Here!

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